Meet our
We've partnered with some pretty amazing organizations and folks over the years, and we're thankful for all the work that they do. Meet our current partners in the industry.

Singletrack Trails
As the official tool supplier for Singletrack Trails, we know that we carry the best tools to get the job done. Singletrack Trails provides much needed feedback on the tools that we carry, along with rigorously testing all Backslope Tools' (our in house manufacturer) products.

Backslope Tools
We take pride in knowing that our in-house manufacturer creates and innovates tools that are quickly becoming staples in trail builder's tool caches. We've seen out tools get used on trails across the country, and we're stoked to continue to see it expand as we continue to create.

We're stoked to announce for 2024, our partnership with SORBA!
SORBA is a regional organization located across the Southeast US, which supports 47 chapters across 7 states. The organization is mostly led by volunteers and has a membership base of more than 10,000 people. As a nonprofit organization,SORBArelies heavily on community and industry partnerships. Their mission is that more people should have access to the social, physical and mental benefits that mountain biking provides.

ShapeShifter Tools
We've partnered with ShapeShifter Tools, a tool manufacturing company based in B.C. Canada. Shapeshifter is all about building community, based on the idea that trails connect us. We're proud to be selling Shapeshifter tools through our site to get them introduced to the states.

American Trails
American Trails supports trail systems all across the U.S. Through education, American Trails provides resources and advances the development of trails and greenways. In 2021, we worked with American Trails to provide and update resources to help trail builders get the information they need to build trails.